Point Cook Pop-up Park

Neighbourhood Connection at the Heart of Point Cook Pop-up Park



The return of the Point Cook Pop-Up Park always provides a feeling of homecoming.

Point Cook is my little corner of the west and it fills me with a sense of pride to see it succeed. This community-led initiative is a major success.

At any given time, you can walk through this brightly decorated space and find the community coming together. Whether simply a meeting space for a much-needed coffee, or a pit-stop for little ones trying to escape from the confines of shopping trolleys, the pop-up calls to all – a beacon of community spirit.

“Led by the community for the community, the park inspires both residents and visitors to connect in the heart of Point Cook.”

With an 8-week program that includes everything from movie nights to hair braiding, bagpipes and crafting, through to taekwondo and dance lessons – it is no cliché to say that there is absolutely something for everyone.

The space is also providing a platform for local talent, with live musical performances happening often, highlighting the real value of supporting local whenever an opportunity arises.


a visitor DRAW CARD

Now into its 3rd iteration, the park has been a firm favourite for locals and visitors of all ages.

In 2019, it attracted over 90,000 visitors. The Park hosted over 273 free events and activities supported by Wyndham City and Stockland. 194 of these events were due to an amazing contribution of goodwill from local groups and businesses.

In March the park will host the colourful signature Bolly Holi event, as well as plenty of International Women’s Day-related activities.

A new collaboration with over 70 regenerative place-making Masters students from the University of Melbourne, has also seen an injection of fresh ideas.

Point Cook is known as one of the fastest growing suburbs in Australia with a community of over 64,000 people from 160 different ethnicities. It is also known as the largest online shopping area in Australia – four years in a row according to Australia post. The park hopes to draw these online shoppers out of their homes.

Co-Leads Susan McIntyre and Sara Mitchell believe that community-led place making allows for a unique experience, bringing locals together to collaborate, share ideas and make things happen. Not only creating great spaces, but a place for people to meet and get to know one another. The knock-on effect is that the community supports the local economy, while they are enjoying the space.

The ongoing success of the park also provides inspiration for others to bring their ideas to life.

The park is situated in the restaurant precinct of the Stockland Point Cook Town Centre in Murnong Street and will run from February 4 till March 29, 2020.

The space continues to provide a mix of programmed and organic activity and anyone who is interested in getting involved, is encouraged to get in touch via the Facebook page or email.


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PCPOPUP/

Website https://www.pointcookpopuppark.com.au/

Email pcpopup1@gmail.com

For the full program of events go to https://www.pointcookpopuppark.com.au/services



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