Greater Melbourne destination management visitor plan and subregional plan for Melbourne’s west.

What is the greater Melbourne destination management visitor plan?
The Greater Melbourne Destination Management Visitor Plan (DMVP) is a strategic framework for the development of Greater Melbourne as an internationally competitive visitor destination. The project was undertaken through 2017 and 2018 and has been led by Destination Melbourne, and involved range of other project funding partners included 24 Melbourne metropolitan Councils, and State Government (represented by Visit Victoria, Invest Victoria, and Transport for Victoria) The consultant commissioned to complete all elements of the project was the AEC Group.
The plan framework
The Plan framework divided Melbourne into five sub regions: Melbourne Inner, Melbourne North, Melbourne East, Melbourne South East and Melbourne’s West. Each of these sub regional plans sit within an overarching ‘umbrella’ plan for Greater Melbourne. (*The subregional plans for the North and Inner Melbourne are yet to be completed)
As a comprehensive framework, the Greater Melbourne DMVP identifies the competitive advantages of the various regions of Melbourne, the target markets potentially interested in visiting; how the destination will be enhanced, and how the destination will reach out to and compel its target markets to visit.
The Greater Melbourne DMVP was launched in September 2018.
Download a full copy of the Greater Melbourne Destination Management Visitor:
Melbourne’s west destination management visitor plan
The Melbourne’s West subregion comprises the five Council areas of Brimbank, HBCC, Melton, MVCC and Wyndham.
Western Melbourne Tourism (WMT) has been the leading the project on behalf of Melbourne’s west. (This did not include Maribyrnong Council who joined the Inner Melbourne region for the project).
The sub regional Plan for Melbourne’s west was launched in November 2018.
Download a copy of the Executive Summary of the Melbourne’s West Destination Management Visitor Plan below:
Download a full copy of the complete Melbourne’s West Destination Management Visitor Plan below: