Visit Victoria
Visit Victoria is Victoria’s tourism and events company, responsible for tourism marketing and event attraction.
Visit Victoria works to promote Victoria’s great strengths nationally and internationally.
Visit Victoria also administers the Visit Victoria website which a key platform to reach consumers visiting Melbourne and Victoria.

Tourism Tribe
Tourism Tribe’s mission is to empower small business owners and operators to achieve their goals by assisting them to adopt relevant digital tools, business strategies and marketing techniques.
Since 2015, working in partnership with key industry players, Tourism Tribe have provided thousands of small businesses with relevant support and education through the Tourism Tribe Digital Academy. Keeping pace with the market, services continually evolve and are underpinned by a high-touch – high-tech approach, including our state-of-the-art online learning and support system, Digital Engagement Health Checks ™ and personalised coaching programs.
Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC)
Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) is Victoria’s peak tourism industry leadership organisation. VTIC actively lobbies various levels of government to ensure tourism in Victoria receives the attention and support it deserves.
VTIC is a powerful ally for tourism and events businesses at all levels, from B&Bs to major attractions, event facilities or tourism infrastructure providers. VTIC membership offers a range of resources to support everyday business challenges.
Australia Tourism Export Council
The Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) is the peak industry body representing Australia’s $40 billion tourism export sector. The organisation’s views are informed by the broadest cross-section of the Australian tourism industry. ATEC represents more than 800 members across Australia including large national and multinational companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, many of whom are based in regional and remote parts of Australia.
Tourism Research Australia
Tourism Research Australia (TRA) is a branch within the Tourism Division of Austrade. Australia’s leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets. TRA equips the industry with information to strengthen marketing and business decisions.
The data underpins government tourism policy and helps improve the performance of the tourism industry for the benefit of the Australian community.
Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) is the national platform for digital tourism information on Australia.
The ATDW system is a central distribution and storage facility for tourism industry product and destination information from all Australian States and Territories. This content is compiled in a nationally agreed format and electronically accessible by tourism business owners (operators), wholesalers, retailers and distributors for use in their websites and booking systems.
Austrade for Tourism
Through its role in tourism policy, Austrade is able to connect tourism across the wider spectrum of work supporting Australian businesses and the attraction of investment into Australia.
Austrade supports industry investment and also provides the tourism industry with the tools to compete more effectively in the global economy. Visit their website for useful information on business tools, information and planning advice, developing your workforce, grants and business events.
Sing up to the Tourism Matters e-newsletter which will help keep you up-to-date with news from the Australian Government that may impact the tourism industry.
Tourism Australia
Tourism Australia is the Australian Government agency responsible for attracting international visitors to Australia, both for leisure and business events. It seeks grow demand and foster a competitive and sustainable Australian tourism industry through partnership marketing to targeted global consumers in key markets. The Tourism Australia website is a significant information resource.